What to Do After You’ve Landed the Job

Landed Job

You’ve just landed a fantastic new job. That’s wonderful; and congratulations! Go add value and make their world a better place! But don’t think of this as the finish line or ending. Keep your network and your search for work that you love, humming! Continue to manage your career as its CEO.

Continue to nurture your network.

Hopefully you’ve built a great network during your job search. Keep it flourishing, so that you never have to build from scratch if there is a next job-search time. This is important. Make networking a priority throughout your career – successful and happy in your current role or not. Here are some ways to do it:

  • Attend at least one networking event each month.
  • Schedule and keep at least one networking meeting a month (coffee, lunch, drinks, dinner).
  • Commit to at least one networking group that you will participate in on a regular basis.
  • Stay on the radar by keeping your social media presence updated and active.

Continue to embrace and manage inevitable change.

Even if you just landed your dream job, it will inevitably change; and you will change at some point. To do what you love for a living, think of it as a long-term — lifelong – process. The old adage by Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, “Change is the only constant,” is so true. Companies get acquired. Great bosses leave, and crummy ones come in their place. People get laid off. People move. And your own needs change! What you want today may not be what you’ll want five years from now.

This may well not be your last job. Gone are the days when people collected their gold watch for 30 years of service. It’s rare. This is not really a bad thing; in fact, it’s a climate that allows people to continually follow their dreams. But you have to stay in the saddle and in control. Here are some ways to do it:

  • Keep your own resume and career communications suite updated, so that you’re not scrambling should you need it yesterday.
  • Also update your “wants” and “do not wants” at least annually or more frequently. Take inventory of your fit list. What do you like doing and do well, where do you like doing it? What are the things that matter to you and need to be in the mix?
  • Keep notes on every wonderful thing you do at work, to build future resumes and to capture what makes you valuable. Be sure to note data (such as increased revenue, cost savings, efficiency boosts, and other metrics).
  • Create and cultivate your own team of support people. Your board of advisors, if you will. Your bone marrow people. Choose those folks you consider your mentors, important connections in your life, those you respect in your field, and so on. Make regular connections with them. Stay on top of their careers, as well as yours.
  • Find someone you can mentor or coach. One of the best ways for us to grow individually is by helping others learn. It adds to your value.
  • Sharpen your saw regularly. Take advantage of any offered training at work, or pursue your own to keep your networking, business, and technical skills razor sharp.
  • Stay connected and up to date on the latest in job search and career issues Read and research! Pay attention to the market. Watch your industry. Commit to being well read in your area of expertise.
  • Enjoy this new opportunity! Have fun! It’s when you stop having fun that it’s often time for a change.

So, kudos on your new job! Stay in the driver’s seat. So when that inevitable change happens – whatever it is – you’re ready to keep chasing and and grabbing those dreams!

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